Toronto-based Kobo started in 2009 and has years of experience working with publishers and writers to convert books from print to digital. Kobo provides an open platform which supports the most popular formats, including EPUB, EPUB3 and PDF so you can buy and read from many different sources. Kobo e-readers are great-easy to use and they look like ink on paper! With all this and so much more, Kobo has truly realised its desire to ensure that readers can read on their own terms-not the terms of some retailer or seller. Go to Kobo and find out for yourself!
Great coupons and deals
Kobo has such great prices that you will enjoy looking through all their reading offerings. Be sure to keep up with all the latest Kobo deals by following them on your favourite social networks-they are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube, and you can keep up with their Kobo blogs. Just be sure you don't miss out on a discount Kobo e-reader or any current Kobo promo codes. Find them all in one place at BargainFox!
Why look at a Kobo book?
There are so many reasons to go to kobo online. From their great choice to their excellent usability items, you will love to look for all the Kobo books!
Open platform and award-winning devices
Kobo's open platform supports so many formats, including EPUB, EPUB3 and PDF, so you can buy and read from a lot of different sources. And Kobo's customisable e-readers let you read with ease and in comfort. They have adjustable fonts and margins and a built-in ‘ComfortLight' so you can adjust to the different lighting conditions you want to read in.
Kobo also offers a free, top-rated reading app, which gives you access to Kobo's 24/7 eBookstore and allows you to read on your tablet, smartphone or desktop. With a sync feature that syncs all your bookmarks, you can easily and often switch between your Kobo e-reader and other devices and never lose your place. You also get personalised recommendations and free previews based on your reading habits and interests. A great way to find your next read!
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Kobo e-recycles
Feel good and recycle the right way! Kobo is committed to environmental responsibility and covers the cost of collection and treatment of any of their devices when it is time to get rid of them, as long as there has not been any contamination, for example, with chemicals or biological agents not normally contained in the products.
How to use your Kobo promo code
Using any Kobo codes is easy, but be aware that promo codes cannot be used for every book in the Kobo store because not all publishers allow them-just check your code to ensure you know which titles it can be used for. To use a Kobo promo code UK, or any savings codes, enter it on the second step on the checkout page. Your order total changes to show the discount, so you can be sure everything is working. And there is very good news about Kobo discount codes-you can use more than one for an order! So if you want to use more promo codes, keep entering them, and see your order total go down!
Order any of the reading materials you want, and delivery is-you know--online! If you are interested in purchasing one of Kobo's range of e-readers and accessories, you can do so at a retailer near you, such as Tesco, John Lewis or WHSmith (see the Kobo site for details). There is also a wide selection of online retailers that you can choose from the Kobo site, with delivery information provided by the chosen retailer. To see the online retailers, you need to click on ‘Rakuten', the first listing under the UK.
Returns (and help!)
Returns for any of the Kobo non-e-items will be dependent on where you purchased the item. If you have any issues, or problems with an e-books or magazines purchased, the Kobo site has a wealth of information, including how to sync e-books on various devices and how to troubleshoot missing books in your Kobo library. Of course, you can contact their help desk at any time if you prefer to get assistance individually.